1. Name and
kind of company:
Debleh construction company (Private joint stock company).
2. Establishing year:
Debleh construction company was registered at the Registration of the
Companies and Industrial Ownership of Tehran Department in 1974
under No:20116
3. Subject of the company:
According to the contents of the constitution, the activities of
the company are in the field of contracting of any kind of
construction works, civil and installation works plus all technical
affairs, engineering, providing and procuring all the requirements
of the above mentioned
complexes, including providing material of the parts, instruments, equipment
and required machineries and performing any kind of commercial actions which
are related to the abovementioned works, such as import and export,
accepting and granting agency and selling the products and depended
The company can perform all or a part of the above mentioned activities
personally or with incorporation of the person or real or legal identity
domestic or foreign.
4- Kind of activities:
A part of the experiences of this company can be briefed as follows:
Sanitary treating complexes such as hospitals and medical training centers
administrating and residential complexes industrial complexes.
Dormitory complexes.
Tunneling, vertical shafts with big mouths and carrying out underground
Executional management of building projects.
Design of residential complexes.
5- Grading :
Debleh construction Co. has been graded in the following branches
by the "Plan and Budget Organization of Iran".
- Building Branch (Grade 8, the highest grade in Iran).
- Tunneling branch.
6- Memberships :
Member of guild society of construction companies.
7- Organization :
Central part of Debleh company consists of 110 technical, Executional,
administrative and service personnel of which about 40 ones are engaged in
administrative activities in central office and the remaining are active in
executional sites as central part. Presently the projects of the company
which are under the process are being managed with the aid of « computerized
project control syste » in relation between central office and project